Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Headmaster Who Sleeps At School

BUKIT PELANDOK, Negeri Sembilan: A headmaster treats his school as his second home, and has been literally living in the school three days in a week. As a result, students' parents can look for him day or night.

He is headmaster Liu Shuang Zhen of SRJK (C) Kampung Baru Tanah Merah. He was appointed the principal of this school only last December, and has begun to live in the school for three days a week since the new semester started this year.

His "bedroom" at the school used to be a store room measuring 12 feet by 12 feet. There are only some simple furniture and a single bed with a mosquito net hanging over it in his bedroom. At night, he would spend his leisure time reading Sin Chew Daily and some books.

Tak ramai guru yang sanggup memanfaatkan masanya untuk mendidik dan memastikan prestasi anak muridnya sentiasa cemerlang. Diharapkan apa yang dilakukan oleh guru tersebut dapat memotivasikan kita agar lebih bersemangat untuk mencurahkan ilmu kepada anak didik kita.

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